Monday, 29 June 2015

How to Unapply the Customer Payment in R/M

This can be done using the Receivables Management Transaction Unapply Tool in the Professional Services Tools Library.
GoTo PSTL Main Setup
Click on RM Transaction Unapply

Click on Next
You will see the window below (Receivables Transaction Unapply)

In the above window choose the customer and you will see the Transactions that are checked, if you want to unapply the transaction just uncheck the Checkbox and it will prompt

Click on Unapply and it will give you the report that the payment is Unapplied

Error “You can’t choose this document because it is part of a recovered batch or is still in the process of posting”

You also see the error below when you try to delete the Invoice from the application.

Looked into the Invoice and the Invoice seems to be right but somehow when you try to post and also apply gives the same error.

Looked into the SY00800, SY00801 and SY00500 tables nothing seems to work.

The only resolution is to delete the Invoices from the table and re-enter them POST and re apply them.

Below are the tables and the queries that the Invoice needs to be deleted from.

Begin Tran
Delete from RM20101
and RMDTYPAL = 1
Rollback Tran

Begin Tran
Delete from RM10301
Rollback Tran

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

This Check has already been entered for this Customer.

In order to resolve this

Clear out the record from RM00401(RM Key Master) table 

This credit document already has been applied. You can't change the currency ID

In order to resolve the above issue
Run Checklinks on the Sales Modules by going to
Microsoft Dynamics GP-->Maintenance-->Check Links
Select Sales
Under Sales Select - Receivables Open Transaction Files


Monday, 15 June 2015

Creating Scheduled Payments in GP

You can choose the interest rate, payment frequency, and other information when you create a payment schedule, and you can create a payment schedule using any posted document. Payment schedules are created from documents. Payment schedules may vary based on the vendor or the kind of goods or services that are being purchased. You can edit any information on unposted payment schedules, as well as the interest and number of payments for posted payment schedules.
When you create payment schedules, you select specific accounts to distribute the interest and principal portions between. The following chart shows what accounts to use and how they are debited and credited.

Accounts Payable posting account
Debited with the scheduled payment amount, including principal and interest, when an individual payment is posted using the Post Payables Scheduled Payments window.
Credited with the total schedule amount, not including interest, when the payment schedule is posted using the Payables Scheduled Payments Entry window.
Payables Offset posting account
Debited with the total schedule amount, not including interest, when the payment schedule is posted using the Payables Scheduled Payments Entry window.
Credited with the scheduled payment amount, not including interest, when an individual payment is posted using the Post Payables Scheduled Payments window.
Interest Expense posting account
Debited when you post a payment schedule.
Credited with the interest portion of the scheduled payment amount when an individual payment is posted using the Post Payables Scheduled Payments window.

For example, if you use the Payables Scheduled Payments Entry window (Purchasing à Transactions à Scheduled Payments) to enter a scheduled payment with a schedule amount of $2,400.00 using 10% simple interest and 12 monthly payments, the amount due each month is $220.00.
When you post the payment schedule, your accounts will be updated using the following debits and credits.

Debit Amount
Credit Amount
Accounts Payable
Payables Offset

When you use the Post Payables Scheduled Payments window (Purchasing à Routines à Post Scheduled Payments) to post one of the 12 individual payments for $220.00, your accounts will be updated using the following debits and credits.

The Schedule Number defaults, Enter the Schedule Description, Choose the Interest Type
Simple - Calculate interest only on the initial principal.
Compound - Calculate interest on the initial principal and also any accumulated unpaid interest.
Choose the Original document number which is the voucher that you created for the full payment. This will populate all the fields (Document type, vendor id, name, Scheduled amount)
If you are charging interest which is based on interest type you can add the Interest rate.
Add the Number of payments it will be divided into
Select the payment frequency

Click on Calculate Button which will calculate the Payment amount
First Invoice Document Date (Enter the invoice date for the first scheduled payment invoice.)
First Invoice Due Date (Enter the due date for the first scheduled payment invoice.)

When you click on the Amortization button (Opens the Payables Amortization Schedule window, where you can view a payment schedule’s amortization schedule. Any unposted lines of the payment schedule can be viewed. If there is no interest, you can edit the due date and the payment amount for each line in the scrolling window.)
Debit Amount
Credit Amount
Accounts Payable
Payables Offset
Interest Expense

When you pay the vendor $220.00 and use the Payables Manual Payment Entry window (Purchasing à Transactions à Manual Payments) to enter the payment, your accounts will be updated using the following debits and credits.
Debit Amount
Credit Amount
Accounts Payable
Let’s first create a voucher for the full amount for the total cost.

Once the voucher is created this needs to be posted. After this is posted it prints out various posting journals.

The above is the first step in creating a scheduled payments, next is to create the scheduled payment for the above voucher. GoTo (TransactionsàPurchasingàScheduled Payments)

Check for the posting accounts if all look good. The interest Expense account can be populated once we have a schedule interest rate.
Post button
Creates a credit memo for the schedule amount and applies it to the original document.
Finally you POST the scheduled payment by click on the POST button on the top ribbon

Once the above step is done you go to

Microsoft Dynamics GPàToolsàRoutinesàPurchasing à Post Scheduled Payments.
Use the Post Payables Scheduled Payments window to individual invoices for a payment schedule. You can post a single invoice or multiple invoices.
Due Date Cutoff
Enter a date to further restrict the range restrictions; the payment schedules will be restricted to those with due dates less than or equal to the cutoff date

Mark the payment that you want to POST and click on POST.

Friday, 12 June 2015

To re-print Bank Reconciliation Reports

This is how you re-print the Bank reconciliation reports - Reconciled/un-reconciled

GoTo InquiryàFinancialàCheckbook Register
Select the Checkbook

In the Include – Select Unreconciled/Reconciled
Click on redisplay
Then click on the printer icon, this will print the list of unreconciled transactions.

Monday, 8 June 2015

GP 2015 New Features - Distribution

GP 2015 New Features - Distribution

Edit email for historical documents - sales and purchases

Now you can edit and re-send email messages that contain sales or purchasing documents that have been sent to customers or vendors. The new option is available from the Sales inquiry Zoom and Purchase Inquiry Zoom windows, if the ability to send documents using e-mail has been enabled for the company you're working in. Similar functionality allows you to re-send statements to customers and remittance documents to vendors.
This feature also enables you to mark multiple documents and send them all through email to an address from the navigation list.
Edit email for historical purchasing documents Similarly, for customer statements, e-mail functionality enables you to embed documents in the body of an email message and send it to customers or prospects from Microsoft Dynamics GP. Now you can edit email addresses and re-send documents that have been send previously. The Edit E-mail button is added to the Sales E-mail Detail Inquiry Zoom window, which opens the Edit Sales E-mail Detail Inquiry window. All the existing email addresses are listed in the scrolling window, and if necessary, you can add new e-mail addresses to the list.

Payment termsAdditional options have been added to the Payment Terms Setup window that provide more flexibility and greater control over how discount dates and transaction due dates are calculated wherever payment terms are used.
A new field, Calculate Date From is added to the Payment Terms Setup window. The field includes the following options:
Transaction Date Calculates the transaction due date from the date the transaction was entered on
Discount Date Uses the calculated discount date to then calculate the transaction due date.
Additional selections are added for the Due and Discount fields, you can set up payment terms that go beyond the next month, extending out a year or more, and even a specified date. With these options, the discount date could be available later than the transaction due date

GP 2015 New Features - Financials

GP 2015 New Features - Financials

Additional workflow functionality

Workflow in Microsoft Dynamics GP enables you to define approval processes that must be completed before the task or process that's approved can be completed. Each workflow defines how a document "flows" through the system by showing who must approve it, and the conditions under which they must approve it. For Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015, additional workflows have been defined and included in the product by default:
• General Ledger batch approval • Payables batch approval • Vendor approval • Receivables batch approval • Employee skills approval • W4 approval • Project expense report approval

Intercompany enhancements
Information for intercompany transactions is now easier to see and intercompany transaction processing has been changed to provide improve efficiency.
When viewing transactions in the Journal Entry Inquiry window, more complete transaction information is now displayed, including the destination company and the offset accounts that were used.
Intercompany transaction processing has been updated so that if a change is made to a transaction for the originating company, the change is automatically made for all destination companies, as well. For example, if you void an intercompany sale in the originating company, the sale is voided in the destination companies at the same time.

Warning of vendors that have purchase orders
An option has been added to the Payables Management Setup window that displays a warning that open purchase orders exist in the system before the transaction can be saved or posted. The warning displays when entering a payables transaction to help prevent entries in the wrong module.
The option, Warn if Vendor has existing purchase order, has been added to the Payables Management Setup window. If this option is marked, the system will check for open purchase orders for a vendor when you select to save or post that transaction for the same vendor in the Payables Transaction Entry window.

Fixed Assets year-end close report
An optional report is now available when you close a year in Fixed Assets. The assets that are included on the report are categorized by asset book and are listed according to their asset IDs. The report also lists the current fiscal year for each asset book, as well as any adjustments that were made to the assets during the process of closing the year.

Void Intercompany Transactions
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015, users will have the ability to void an intercompany journal entry, including entries posted in destination companies, by voiding the original entry in the originating company. This eliminates the need to void an entry in both the originating company, and individually in each destination company as separate steps.

When the user voids the entry in the originating company, intercompany entries are also created automatically in destination companies to void the original intercompany entries.

Payment Terms – Discount Date Calculation
With the changes for the transaction due date, we’ve extended the options for the discount date also in Microsoft Dynamics GP2015.
Now you have the same calculation options for discount date that you do for transaction due date. You choose among calculation options like annual, next month or month/date and being able to add days, months, or years to the calculation gives you greater flexibility when setting up your payment terms.
The ability to calculate an example when you are creating the payment term gives you greater flexibility and quicker verification of the option you want.

Payment Terms – Transaction Calculation
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 you now have greater flexibility to configure payment terms for the transaction due date.

A new selection was added to calculate the transaction due date from the transaction date or from the discount date. Additional calculation options like annual or month/date and being able to add days or months to the calculation gives you greater flexibility when setting up your payment terms.
The ability to calculate an example when you are creating the payment term gives you greater flexibility and quicker verification of the option you want