
Document is fully applied

Try running the Payables Reconcile and then Checklinks on Payables open transactions, if this does not fix the issue then please see the below sql statements with which this issue can be corrected.

Select * from PM10200
Where APTVCHNM IN ('000001','0000002')

Begin Tran
Delete from PM10200 Where DEX_ROW_ID IN (30778, 30779)
Rollback Tran

Select * from PM20100
Where APTVCHNM IN ('000001','0000002')

Begin Tran
Delete from PM20100 Where DEX_ROW_ID IN (30775, 30776)
Rollback Tran

Select * from PM20000

Begin Tran
Update PM20000
Set CURTRXAM = DOCAMNT Where VENDORID = 'XXX' and VCHRNMBR IN ('000001', '0000002')
Rollback Tran

I have placed the sql statements in the Begin Tran and Rollback Tran just to check the results, if the results are good then run just the inside sql statement.

Unhandeled Script Exception:

Index 0 of array 'PM transaction Abbreviation' is out of range in Script 'PM_Transaction_Inquiry_Scroll_FILL". Script terminated.

Please check the PM00400 table for these 3 columns which will be null
Update the PM00400 table with the values from PM30200 for the Voucher number and the error will be gone.


Purchasing Approval Setup Error

"[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "SendWorkflowCompletionEmail". System.IO.FileLoadException": Could not load file or assembly 'System.DirectorSer[..." Error gets cut off at the end.

Resolution to resolve the problem.


Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP>> Maintenance>> SQL

Scroll to User Messages in the DYNAMICS database and select, click on 'Create Stored Procedure' and click on Process.

Once this is done please complete the next step.


Open SQL management Studio and run the following script against DYNAMICS (system database)

exec wfDeployClrAssemblies


GP 2013 R2 Document Attach 2.0
Another new feature that is part of the just released GP 2013 R2 is Document Attach 2.0.
There are several areas that have been enhanced with this new feature.

1. Scanning documents and attaching them directly to a master record, document, transaction or line item.

a. Select the record.

b. Click the Attach Management icon. This will open the Document Attachment Management window.

c. Place the document in the scanner.
d. Choose Scan to open the Select Device window. (The Scan button is only available if you are using a Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) scanner.)

e. Selection your scan options.
f. Choose Scan. The document is saved in a JPEG format.

 2.  Document Attachment in Accounts Payable Transactions, flowing from the Vendor Card.

This is a Picture attachment of a Logo that is added to a Vendor Card. This could be a Contract, Order or any other document you specify.
It has been marked to flow thru to transactions and to allow sending as an attachment in email.

The Document from the Vendor Card will automatically be added to the invoice.

3. The Doc Attach Functionality will replace the OLE file attachment functionality on notes. The files will be stored in the SQL    databases. This will work on both the Desktop Client and Web Client.

4. The Document Attachment File Utility can be used to delete attachments that are no longer linked to transactions or master records based on a selected date.  (Administration à Utilities à Company à Delete Attachment Files)

Posting Status of a Transaction

What is the posting status (PSTGSTUS) in the PM10000 table?

10 = Transaction being entered for the first time before it has been saved by the used

20 = Saved but the unposted transaction

30 = Transaction that is currently real-time posting

40 = Posted transaction

50 = Transactions that has encountered an error during the posting

60 = Transaction that has been saved previously and has a status of 20 is now being edited by a user

70 = Transaction that has been posted previously in a recurring batch that still contains unposted transactions is now being edited by the user

Look in the SY00500 for the field BCHSTTUS and check its value against the list below. It will give you a good idea of how far through the process your transactions were.

0 Available

1 Batch Posting

2 Batch Being Deleted

3 Batch Receiving Transactions

4 Batch Done Posting

5 Batch Being Printed

6 Batch Being Updated

7 Interrupted While Posting

8 Interrupted While Printing

9 Interrupted While Updating

10 Recurring Batch Errors / Transactions Did Not Post

11 Single Batch Error / Transactions Did Not Post

15 Error While Posting Computer Checks

20 Interrupted While Processing Computer Checks

25 Interrupted While Printing Computer Checks Align

30 Interrupted While Printing Computer Checks

35 Interrupted While Printing Computer Checks Align Before Reprint Computer Checks

40 Interrupted While Voiding Checks

45 Interrupted While Reprinting Checks

50 Interrupted While Processing Remittance Report

55 Interrupted While Processing Remittance Report Align

60 Interrupted While Printing Remittance Report

100 Processing Computer Checks

105 Check Align Being Printed Before Print Checks

110 Printing Computer Checks

115 Check Align Being Printed Before Reprint Checks

120 Voiding Computer Checks

125 Reprint Computer Checks

130 Remittance Report

135 Printing Remittance Align Form

140 Printing Remittance Form

Typically, there's nothing you can do to free it up except change it's status in the SY00500 table. I'm sure Soma's KB article has some other tips on how to free it up. It's likely your batch didn't update any of the transaction tables and you can just free it up, backup your database, and try again.

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